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In New Orleans we don’t say goodbye, “we say see ya’ later”. Jack knew that death is not an end in itself. He just crossed the other road to heaven. A better place of peace, joy, and happiness. No more pains, no more crying, just praising the Lord all day long. I loved praying with Jack every time we (Friend Tamalyn and I) visited his sister Carol, Margaret and him in MS. It’s always peaceful in time of prayers. The day he died Carol called me to say goodbye to Jack and we prayed together Our Father and Hail Mary. He opened his eyes and knew it is his time. I know he is praying for us there. Rest in peace Jack. You have run the race and you have won the price. Well done! Enter into the name of the father and Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Peace and blessings. My condolences and prayers to Carol and family.